5 Months!! |
Wow! They weren't kidding when they said Baby Sage would be the size of a cantaloupe this week! All of a sudden I really feel pregnant! LOL... and yes, these are real maternity jeans now! The full belly panel under there may not be that cute... but they sure are comfy!
While 'lil Sage has been busy growing the past couple of weeks, I have been busy coaching tennis at the high school. Had a great turn out for tryouts, picked the varsity team, and am quite excited about the new talent and our chances of actually being pretty good this year! :) It's a great group of kids (and undoubtedly, my favorite part of my job!). They are also very excited for Baby Sage and feel bad when they accidentally hit me with a tennis ball during drills ;)
Other than that, it's been very exciting to finally FEEL 'lil Sage lately! He (or She!) has been kicking me this week... and seems to really like frozen yogurt!
Looking forward to finding out the gender in 2 weeks!!! I'll keep ya "posted"! ;)