Friday, March 23, 2012


What a great birthday I had last weekend! Had a fun "happy hour" in the neighborhood with great friends on Friday after work (let me rephrase that... after my 1/2 day of work/hair cut/color!). I also had to stop by the "tag office" (but got to park in another "expecting mother" spot!) before the happy hour celebration (happy birthday in GA! LOL). Anyhow- happy hour was great... here's a pic of me with lots of fun gifts from girlfriends...

After happy hour, Scott took me to dinner (Sushi!) and here's a little pic from there... and a peek at my new Tiffany's bracelet from him on my wrist! Thank you Hubby! xoxo

Saturday I was spoiled with a mani/pedi, and lunch with the girls. And Sunday I got to celebrate with my parents and parents-in-laws! All in all a great 34th bday and of course I can't wait to see what this year has in store for me! ;)

Working on the nursery!! Getting very excited for Baby Boy Sage to get here! He is certainly growing (as I'm sure you can see from the picture above!) and still kicking up a storm in there as well. I'm still feeling really good- well I did get sick randomly one morning this week at work- but afterward I felt just fine?! Weird... guess he didn't want my usual Chocolate Peanut Butter ZONE bar and coffee that morning?! But other than that, feeling great... excited it's finally Friday! It was an exhausting week with the school Tennis Kids- had matches Tues-Friday and didn't get home until 8pm any night. Looking forward to relaxing this weekend! (and shopping for the nursery with mom!) (oh, and going to see the Hunger Games!) I will rest though... promise! ;) -Kenz

Monday, March 12, 2012

My current craving: Baking?!

Banana Nut Bread!
I have been baking! ...and baking and baking and baking!

Chocolate Chip Cookies!

Chocolate Chocolate Chip Muffins!
Banana Nut Bread WITH Chocolate Chips!!!

I don't even eat it all I swear! I just want to make it! LOL
If you're in the neighborhood, and need a treat, come on over! -Kenz

Sunday, March 11, 2012

25 week Bumpdate!

Sorry it's taken me so long to update and post a new baby bump pic! Truth is, I have been so sick and did not look cute AT ALL for the past week and a half so I couldn't have my picture taken! LOL. First, the flu, which I posted about, and then, a few days later, the most miserable head cold EVER. Doc finally put me on a "safe" antibiotic and I am feeling much better thank goodness. Missed a few days of work, but got to catch up on silly tv and magazines so that was nice! Baby Sage is doing just fine and is kicking up a storm in there! Here's the latest pic...

We have a doctor's appointment tomorrow (and a furlough day off of work!). We are also trying to pick out the paint color for the nursery so we can get going on that! So excited!
I'll post tomorrow about my current "craving"... :)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The flu

Scott came down with the flu 3 weeks ago... and between sterilizing the house and avoiding him I thought I had successfully avoided it... Nope. Bummer. Monday, after my usual morning cup of coffee during first period biology (yes, I'm still drinking coffee!) I just didn't feel right. I chalked it up to one of those weird pregnancy things- thought the coffee just didn't sit right, etc... Anyhow, about 3pm that day, as I hugged the porcelain throne and cursed the flu gods, I knew I had been struck. Yuck.

Saltines/Sprite have been the only things I've been able to keep down (and feed Baby Boy!) these last two days... I am feeling a bit better now and just had some cereal- which I can tell he is loving! He is kicking me like crazy these days! So much that I can even see my shirt move! WOW!

I will post my "bumpdate" asap! I am 24 weeks this week, but need to get over this flu/shower/look cute before I post a pic! ;)