Just finished work yesterday! (WOOOO HOOOOO!) and am enjoying my first official day of Summer! I have a doctor's appointment in a few hours, and have been feeling great. I'm excited to have a few weeks to relax before baby Sage gets here (well, that's if he's going to stay in there until June 19th!)... and definitely excited to meet him! I can tell he is running out of room inside of my belly, but he's still very active and seems to LOVE his nightly frozen yogurt! ;) Every once in a while I get heartburn/indigestion pain, so it will be interesting to see if he is born with a full head of hair or not!
We have been busy putting together some of the "essentials" (high chair, stroller, pack n play, and car seat... I will have to post Molly's face (and apparent irritation) next time! I think, despite her initial jealousy, she will be a great "big sister" though!
She did need a little attention the other day... had to go to the vet for what we thought was a tick, but turned out to be a mole! Vet said they tend to get them as they get older...
her new nickname is "Mole-y"
my sweet girl with her little "boo boo" |
Finally, here's a current pic of my bump! (poor cell phone quality, but you can definitely see how much baby Sage has grown in the past few weeks!
And here's a few more nursery pics from Scott's phone... a little better quality than the ones I previously posted!
Make sure to scroll down to see the rest of my Nursery Post... Thanks! -Kenz