Tuesday, June 25, 2013

9 teeth!

H has had the same 6 teeth for months now (4 front top, 2 front bottom), but just in the last week, he has gotten 3 more! All molars! 2 top "one year old molars" and the bottom right molar. Here's the best pic I could get of his sweet smile...
Ps: I hope this explains his 4am wake ups the last couple of nights! Zzzzzzzz

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Fun with Daddy

Just had to share these sweet pics from tonight... H enjoyed a spin in his new car and then a sweet bedtime story before bed. 💙💙💙

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

He's ONE!

Wow! What an amazing year! Can't believe H is 1 already. I am so thankful for the fun, happy, silly, determined, smart, currious, playful, sweet, blue eyed boy I get to be mom to. To think back to a year ago, meeting him for the first time, not having a clue as how to even change his diaper, but knowing he was the most perfect thing I had ever seen, and that I was somehow going to figure it out, and be the best mom I could for him... Seems like a long time ago, but also just yesterday at the same time.

He had a great birthday- party Saturday, and today he got to hang with his "Aunt" Lisa, go to the clubhouse for lunch, play with all of his toys (LOVES his new sandbox, water table, lawn mower, slide, music, books, bubbles, car, helicopter, train, puzzles, and of course new and old balls!), take a 2.5 hour nap, eat cake, get a bath from Mimi, open presents, and hear the Happy Birthday song quite a few times. He is an absolute doll, and to say this past year was my favorite year ever would be an understatement. Happy Birthday... Dear Harrison... Happy Birthday to You... "And many more....!" (End of Happy Birthday song)... Definitely looking forward to many more ;-)

Monday, June 17, 2013

First Bday Par-tee!

Harrison's birthday party was so much fun! Friends, family, kids, new toys, cake, and a fun golf-theme made it so special and I know H really enjoyed. He was not too sure about the cake at first, but once he tasted it, he loved it! He took a good nap after and is excited about his real bday this Wednesday... Can't believe I have a 1 year old! Love him! Here's a bunch of pics!