Sunday, April 28, 2013


Harrison is having a blast on his first vacation to Cali! Got to meet/see cousins/aunts/uncles/great grandma/and friends yesterday at Aunt J/Uncle G's house. We had fabulous food, pool time, and lots of laughs. H is a fish and could've stayed in the pool all day I think! He is exhausted this morning! It was absolutely wonderful to see everyone and we will miss yall for sure- come visit us in GA soon! Xoxo

Friday, April 26, 2013

Day 2 & 3

Such a fun trip so far- beach, shopping, friends, family, sun, sushi, frozen yogurt, and in a few mins my favorite breakfast stop for Alysen's bday (Schooner or Laters in Long Beach marina)! Yay! H is having a blast and is so exhausted by the end of the day he has been snoring at night! He absolutely LOVED the beach and his Uncle Mikey... :-) Here's some pics!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Baby's first plane ride!

Harrison earned his wings! We successfully got ourselves, and all of our gear (minus one bottle of water that got taken away at security) on the plane, to California, on the rental car shuttle, in our rental car (which btw is so high tech we seriously didnt even know how to start the thing!), and to our best friends A&R's condo in Manhattan Beach all before noon yesterday! (Cali time ;-) Got to enjoy some In & Out burgers, get our nails/toes done (well, me and A did that!), and play with the kids all afternoon. H loved playing with Jocelyn and Lucas (and all of their awesome toys).

He was a great little traveler- took one long nap and one short nap on the 5 hour plane ride, didnt mind the take off or landing, and made friends with the passengers and flight attendants (who gave him some wings).

We got to our condo in Newport Beach and got to see Aunt Dee Dee and cousin Tera/have some fabulous Greek food and play a ton before hitting the hay. H showed off his "walking," laughed a lot, and loved on them both. We finally got him settled down and in bed around 9:30 and he only woke up once at 3:30am. I think he was a little confused as to where he was but he went back to sleep and slept until 7:30 this morning so that was great. Him (and Scott!) are napping now and I am enjoying my coffee amd quiet time!).

Headed to check out the beach, have an early dinner with A, R, and the twins in Belmont Shore (Sushi of Naples!), and then stopping by Uncle John/Aunt Lydia's on our way back to the condo tonight! H is so excited to meet them!

Here's some pics of day 1!

Friday, April 19, 2013

10 months!

Weight: 22lbs (still!)
Height: need to measure still, but when i put him up to his measuring chart on the wall this morning, he looked about an inch taller

Words: bird, puppy, bye bye, and I think he is trying to say mama ;-) ...or maybe he is saying Molly... Lol

Loves: balls, books, the stairs, power cords, his checkered blanket, drawers, pushing Molly's food/water bowls all over the kitchen, going outside and looking for birds, playing peek-a-boo, playing "tag" with Mommy, playing catch, "the itsy bitsy spider", Puffs, and being silly and laughing

Steps!: he took his first unassisted steps last night and is up to 3! Wow!

Teeth: he has 6... And I'm sure the 7th/8th is right around the corner because he is chewing/drooling like crazy. Advil works better than Tylenol! Teething tablets are also tiny miracles!

I love him more and more everyday.... It is awesome to see him grow and learn every day! 10 months has flown by and I am so thankful for my little love.

Of course I haven't taken his 10 month sticker pic yet... But these taken yesterday and today are so precious I just can't wait to share them...

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Cali bound one week from today!

Harrison is sooooooooo excited to be heading out to California next week! He can't wait to see all of his great Aunts, Uncles, cousins, friends, and especially his Great Grandma Donna! ;-)

He isn't thrilled about his hat/sunglasses unfortunately...

Sunday, April 7, 2013

First word...

We have been working on "Mama" for months... "Molly" and "Dada" quite a bit too... However, Harrison's first word is...


Yes, bird.

Mimi taught it to him. ;-)

Here he is... At his new favorite place, the window... Looking for the birdies... He really cracks me up... Silly kid!

I keep telling him there are also "Mama birds"...