Wednesday, May 30, 2012

37 weeks!

Just finished work yesterday! (WOOOO HOOOOO!) and am enjoying my first official day of Summer! I have a doctor's appointment in a few hours, and have been feeling great. I'm excited to have a few weeks to relax before baby Sage gets here (well, that's if he's going to stay in there until June 19th!)... and definitely excited to meet him! I can tell he is running out of room inside of my belly, but he's still very active and seems to LOVE his nightly frozen yogurt! ;) Every once in a while I get heartburn/indigestion pain, so it will be interesting to see if he is born with a full head of hair or not!

We have been busy putting together some of the "essentials" (high chair, stroller, pack n play, and car seat... I will have to post Molly's face (and apparent irritation) next time! I think, despite her initial jealousy, she will be a great "big sister" though!

She did need a little attention the other day... had to go to the vet for what we thought was a tick, but turned out to be a mole! Vet said they tend to get them as they get older...
her new nickname is "Mole-y"

my sweet girl with her little "boo boo"
Finally, here's a current pic of my bump! (poor cell phone quality, but you can definitely see how much baby Sage has grown in the past few weeks!

And here's a few more nursery pics from Scott's phone... a little better quality than the ones I previously posted!

Make sure to scroll down to see the rest of my Nursery Post... Thanks! -Kenz

The Nursery!

Ta Da! Here it is! Baby boy's "vintage sports" nursery! Sorry for the poor "cell phone" quality pics!

scott hung shelves to display some cute sports stuff... baseball
piggy bank, Master's bear, coke bottles, etc...
bathroom attached to the bedroom- it's painted light blue- realllllly cute
dresser/changing table
baseball bat "growth chart," chalk board, and night light
we left a twin bed in the nursery... thought that might come in handy
during those middle of the night feedings?! :) our rocking chair/ottoman
will be here thursday, and that's going where you see the "moses basket" on the ground. and i'm
sure it's hard to tell, but the lamp has baseballs for the base, and the bookshelf is full of adorable books I was given
at my baby shower!
some cute "vintage" finds: a wooden golf club from the McDonough
Geranium Festival, a tennis racket from my friend Lisa, and a baseball
sign from Etsy
little sign from Etsy for above our "little slugger's" crib

here's the crib, baseball beanbag, football "tummy time" rug,
and curtains (they're blue with brown stripes)

More to come! I still have a few things "in the works"... :) Hope he likes his room! (and sports!) Lol!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Bumpdate 35.5 weeks!

One month to go! Whoa! I can't believe how time has flown by, and what a wonderful pregnancy I have had! This is me, today, right after church- and I've spent the rest of day laying out in the backyard (in my 2 piece bikini LOL), and reading/relaxing! Only one more week of work and you KNOW how excited that makes me! ;)

Nursery pics this week! It's looking so cute!

I should have posted pics of Scott/I putting together the "Pack n Play" the other night... Hope parenting is not as hard as putting that thing together! LOL!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Maternity Photo Shoot at 32 weeks!

As many of you know, I have a little obsession with Groupons, Living Socials, and online deals... this maternity shoot was a deal I could not pass up and we had such a great time getting to know Brittany Shae Petty of Jayde & Jayne Photography! Here are a few pics from our shoot...

I am officially 33 weeks now... and although my ankles have been swelling this week, I am feeling really good still. Only 3 weeks left of work and I'm sure you can guess just how excited I am to be DONE! ;)

The nursery is looking really cute... and I will post pictures of that very soon- Also- I had a FABULOUS baby shower last weekend (thanks sooooooo much L and T and mom!) and will post about that (and add pictures) asap...
