Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Nursery!

Ta Da! Here it is! Baby boy's "vintage sports" nursery! Sorry for the poor "cell phone" quality pics!

scott hung shelves to display some cute sports stuff... baseball
piggy bank, Master's bear, coke bottles, etc...
bathroom attached to the bedroom- it's painted light blue- realllllly cute
dresser/changing table
baseball bat "growth chart," chalk board, and night light
we left a twin bed in the nursery... thought that might come in handy
during those middle of the night feedings?! :) our rocking chair/ottoman
will be here thursday, and that's going where you see the "moses basket" on the ground. and i'm
sure it's hard to tell, but the lamp has baseballs for the base, and the bookshelf is full of adorable books I was given
at my baby shower!
some cute "vintage" finds: a wooden golf club from the McDonough
Geranium Festival, a tennis racket from my friend Lisa, and a baseball
sign from Etsy
little sign from Etsy for above our "little slugger's" crib

here's the crib, baseball beanbag, football "tummy time" rug,
and curtains (they're blue with brown stripes)

More to come! I still have a few things "in the works"... :) Hope he likes his room! (and sports!) Lol!


  1. So cute! I wonder if we still have the football toy chest? That would have been perfect! Aunt Dee Dee

  2. The room is soo cute!!!!
