Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

My little skeleton/dinosaur had a great first Halloween. We carved his pumpkin this morning, he got to hand out candy to the trick or treaters tonight... and even went to a few houses himself. ;-) He is a very sleepy dinosaur tonight and was asleep at 8:45. Love my lil pumpkin!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Southern Belle Farm

After church today (Btw, Harrison went to the nursery for the first time!) we went to Southern Belle Farm in McDonough. It is SO neat there! Corn maze, hay rides, train rides, pig races (yes, pig races), a petting zoo, go carts, corn cannon shooting (and yes, we live in the South if you can't tell by now), and a pumpkin patch! Such a great time! I think Harrison will love it more and more every year, but his fist trip was definitely a success.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Yes I'm awake

*sigh... "Give him a little rice cereal... That'll make him sleep through the night!" ...uh, nope! And it seems to have actually made it worse?! Since last Friday, he has reverted back to waking up every 3 hours in the middle of the night! If I could just go back to the one 4am feeding I would never complain again! ;-) Anyhow, needless to say, the rice cereal doesnt seem to be working out well... Has made him grumpy, constipated, and waking at all hours of the night. So I didnt give it to him today. (And he seemed much happier all day actually). However, it is 4am, and here I am, awake with him... He went to bed at 8:30pm tonight, woke up at 1:30am... So I fed him, and he went right back to sleep. Then, at 3:30am he was up again- I changed him and he wanted to play! Um no- love ya, but no. Lol! So I took the advice of the "baby whisperer" and put him back to bed- many many times. Kept having to pick him up and comfort him, replace paci, pat on back, etc... But it did work. He is so funny- you can see in one pic below that at one point he was talking/laughing in his bed! Anyhow- it took about an hour, but he is sound asleep now...

Ironically, i'm hungry... So Im having a bowl of coco krispies as I type this! ;-)

Friday, October 19, 2012

4 months old!

Big man turned 4 months old today! We celebrated by going to Noahs Ark with my MOPS group (love them!), then to the doctor for his checkup (and shots), and trying rice cereal for the first time tonight!

Harrison loves animals... We had to take Molly to the vet on Wesnesday (diagnosis: sensitive skin, ear infection, and anxiety disorder!) good lord! Crazy dog! (Litterally!) Anyhow- Harrison got to see the birds and fish again at Petsmart that day, and the lions, tigers, bears, ducks, emus, and monkeys today at Noahs Ark today. Loves them all and is so interested.

Then it was off to the doc for his 4 month checkup... The nurses all have a crush on him! ;-) Stats: 25.5 inches, 18.2 lbs! (75th percentile for height, 95th percentile for weight!) Lol! He is so cute. Got his second round of shots (poor thing!) ...but was comforted by his dad who held his hands the whole time. (I couldnt look).

Tonight he is a bit grumpy and tired so trying rice cereal was not that successful... I tried to give it to him on a spoon but he wasnt really into it... I think we ended up with more on his shirt than in his belly?

He is sleeping at the moment, so I will prob have to take his official 4-month pic tomorrow! Oh well!

I am absolutely loving motherhood and feel so so blessed. Wednesday I was able to resign from my teaching job- which was tough, but very exciting at the same time. Me/Scott believe that my "job" is at home now- and I am soooooooo thankful we are able to make that happen. I love every day with Harrison and am so excited about my new "career." ;-)

Sunday, October 14, 2012


It was a little tough to get Harrison to bed last night...(wound up from playing with his cousins I guess!) BUT once we did (at 11:45pm!) he slept... And slept... And slept... Until 9am this morning! Yay!

Now its off to Atlanta this morning to cheer Mommy on at her tennis match!

Monday, October 8, 2012

A little TV and light reading

Harrison is relaxing after a busy weekend with a little TV and a book... ;-)

Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Roll

Harrison learned how to roll over this week! He rolled over (from back to front) on Thursday morning... When his parents were not in the room! I was in the kitchen starting my much needed coffee and Scott had just walked away from Harrison to start getting ready for work. I went into the living room, saw that Harrison was on his stomach, and thought that was a little strange for scott to place him on his stomach... So I asked and sure enough, Scott hadn't left him on his stomach, he had rolled! Lol! I spent the rest of the morning with my video camera trying to capture the "2nd" attempt! 😃 It didn't take him long, and by the end of the day he had mastered the roll in under 2 seconds flat ;-). And then the next morning (Friday) he decided to roll the other way! He is so proud of himself and is so cute after he flips- lots of smiles and "talking" about it.

Great job Harrison! Mommy and Daddy are so proud! Xoxo