Monday, July 9, 2012

Harrison Dean Sage!

He is here! (and will be 3 weeks old tomorrow!) He is amazing and we are so in love with him already! I will write more later, but today I just wanted to post a few pics and at least introduce him to everyone...

Harrison was born at 11:51am, weighed 6lbs 12oz, and they SAID 21 inches... But when I went a few days later for his first pediatrician visit, he was only 19 inches... And Scott thinks they measured really quickly right after he was born. He is the cutest, and sweetest baby I have ever met... Loves to eat, likes baths, and is sleeping well! In fact, he is eating/sleeping as I type! Lol... Tap tap... Wake up Harrison... You need to finish eating! :-)

I'll post more soon! :-) for now, enjoy the pics! Kenz (aka Mom!)

1 comment:

  1. Oh the pictures are so sweet!! Congrats!!
